Thursday, June 30, 2011

Book Trailers

The last session I want to post about was that of the AWESOME Naomi Bates.  Naomi and I actually met through the virtual world of the YALSA Book listserv.  She would post some pretty awesome booktrailers, and I wanted to use them.  I also wanted the advice of a great, seasoned high school librarian.  So I called her.  (God I love google and its ability to easily allow cyber-stalking).  She graciously talked to me for quite a while offering great advice and tons of support.  When she told me she was presenting at the conference, I rearranged my plans so I could stay an extra day and attend.  I'm so glad I did.

Naomi talked about many different resources available for building book trailers.  She has compiled a really great livebinder found here  So, the first new thing I want to talk about is, well, livebinders.  This is a pretty cool way to organize your information.  It's basically a virtual three-ring binder.  The possible applications in the classroom are vast.

I actually have already used all of the video editing tools Naomi mentioned for other projects, so I didn't learn anything new there.  Note - check out the livebinder if you what to know more about video editing.  What I was interested in was where she got her video/images/music.  Copyright violation is, of course, a HUGE issue in schools.  Students and teachers alike blatantly violate copyright particularly with regard to music.  So, I will be using many of the sites listed in Naomi's livebinder for student use for multi-media projects.  There are quite a few there, but she recommends for free music and and for pictures.  I'm also going to encourage our creative student musicians to volunteer their work for use in other student productions.

I think I'll attempt creating booktrailers next year only if I cannot locate them already made.  Naomi's are great (  She also recommended signingupagain's youtube channel which are even better production wise ( and which is very searchable.

Here are two other great ideas from Naomi - 1.  Genere organized fiction.  She started this with her sci-fi collection and is going to organize her entire collection this way.  And I like it.  I've gotten mixed reaction to this idea, but I really think it is the way to go, and I'm going to work to get there.  Step one for me is to get spine labels on the fiction books.  I think that will make the process of reorganization easier.  2.  After school tech classes for students, not teachers - or maybe in addition to teachers.  We wrongly assume that our digital-age students know all there is to know about technology.  After school sessions on how to email an attachment or how to rename and save a file could really be helpful.

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