Saturday, December 1, 2012

LaCue Conference

I recently returned from the LaCue Conference inspired to change the world! (and to update my blog).  This post is the overview.  I will blog about my favorite sessions later. 

The LaCue (Louisiana Computer Using Educators) Conference is one of my favorite conferences.  The presenters are mostly real educators describing what they really do in their real classrooms.  Don’t get me wrong, there are venders there and a variety of paid speakers (like Leslie Fisher who is awesome), but for the most part it is a for-educators-by-educators type of thing.

I was introduced to this conference way back in the day by one of my favorite people ever Dr. Kim Bowman.  She took me with her to present free teaching tools available online.  This was back when I was an undergraduate student.  Since then I have attended multiple conferences, I have presented there (here is one of my presentations), my students won the video contest one year with our Grand Avenue video (seenhere), and, when no one would pay for me to go, I pleaded to be a room monitor so I could at least see a portion of the conference.  Needless to say, if you have the opportunity to attend LaCue, you should.

This year’s keynote speaker was Sal Khan, Khan Academy Founder, Louisiana native, and a FREAKING AWESOME speaker.  I was pumped when I left (but also bummed that I didn’t win an autographed copy of his book).  Each attendee can choose which sessions to attend after the keynote.  This was my schedule: 50 apps in 50 minutes, Gadgets!, Don’t Flip Out Flip Your Lesson, 21st Century Librarian, Confessions of the Tech Diva, Google Search Tips, Evernote, Emerging Technology Breathes New Life Into Traditional Assessment, Go For the Green With Common Core, and Weebly!

Some sessions were better than others, but all were at least worth the time. 

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